Habich & Noll (2004): study XZ Germany West 1984
- Author(s):
- Habich, R.; Noll, H.H.
- Title:
- Objektive Lebensbedingungen und subjektives Wohlbefinden im vereinten Deutschland. (Objective Living Conditions and Subjective Wellbeing in United Germany).
- Source:
- Statistisches Bundesamt;Ed.: "Datenreport 2004", Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2004, Bonn, Gemany, 457 - 575
- Public
- 17+ aged, general public, Germany, 1984-2003
- Sample
- Probability simple random sample
- Respondents
- N = 16698
- Non Response
- Assessment
Interview: face-to-face
Face/to/face individual Interviews with all householdmembers aged 16 and over Additional information gathered using paper-and-pencil questionaires - household interviews with head of household - an increasing number of individuals completes the questionnaire without the presence of the interviewer. In case of major inconsistencies or missing informaion in field word agendcy they were given a phone call to resolve the issue - so half CAPI in 2002
Happiness Measure(s) and Distributional Findings
- Full text:
Self report on single question:
Taking all things together, how satisfied are you with your life these days? Please answer with the help of this scale. For instance, when you are totally satisfied with your life, please tick '10'. When you are totally unsatisfied with your life, please tick '0'. You may use all values in between to indicate that you are neither totally satisfied nor totally unsatisfied."
10 totally satisfied
0 totally unsatisfied - Classification:
- O-SLW-c-sq-n-11-d
- Author's label:
- life satisfaction (Lebenszufriedenheit)
- Remarks:
- East Germany 6,4, West Germany 7,0
- Page in publication:
- 457